Do you believe what we believe?
The Growth Project exists to Blur the Line of leadership between the For-Profit and Non-Profit sectors.
We believe that businesses have the power and responsibility to do more good in the world.
We believe that charities will have more impact if we invest in developing their leaders.
We believe that a mindset change will only come through deep collaboration between leaders from the For-Profit and Non-Profit sectors.
We believe that collaborative learning in a safe space is the most powerful enabler of deep, lasting connection.
"The future belongs to partnership and collaboration between the charity and business sectors. Chasing the dollar no matter the cost is old leadership and it needs to change, now!"
Heather Yelland Business Consultant and #1 rated Growth Program Facilitator

One program per year. 24 invites. That’s it!
Each year we invite 12 Charity CEOs and 12 Business Leaders to join our 9-month leadership development program The Growth Program.
They learn with and from each other. They support and encourage one another to be the change they each want to see in the world.
We Blur the Lines of Leadership in the For-Profit and Non-Profit sectors so that charities and businesses work together more effectively to make a bigger difference.
Graduates from The Growth Program take their place in The Growth Community.
They continue their journey of collaborative learning and mutual support alongside leaders from earlier Programs.
Together we create Ripples of change that impact our organisations and thereby the world around us.
“I love the feeling of supporting others, cheering them on, watching them grow – and getting it back from them in equal measure!”
Phil, Business Leader, 2022